Geographical Areas

The database contains a four-level taxonomy of geographical areas. Like the occupation and skill taxonomy, the concepts are related to each other in a hierarchical structure.

The top geographic type lists all continents in the world, including Antarctica. The taxonomy is based on the UN standard for continents. In this type, there is also the concept “Alla länder”, which is a list of all countries.

The second type in this taxonomy contains all countries, according to ISO standard for countries. Each country in this level has a parent continent in the top level.

The third type is simply called “regions” and contains all regions within the EU with a “NUTS code” (See Eurostat for information about NUTS). In Sweden the regions correspond to “län”. Every region is mapped to a specific parent country in the second level in the taxonomy.

The fourth type of the geographic areas contains the Swedish municipalities. Each municipality is mapped to a specific parent region in the above level.

Geographical areas are recommended to use when a vacancy is abroad or when a job seeker looks for a job abroad.